A source always comes from somewhere. In every form of entrepreneurship – in the literal sense of the word “to undertake” – there is always an origin, an initial impulse, a person who breathes the necessary energy and draws the first lines of the vision. This person is the “source person.” They are not necessarily the one who came up with the idea, but they are the driving force, the one who nurtures, shapes, and brings it to life. They fulfill three essential roles: the entrepreneur, who initiates and dares to take risks; the guide, who illuminates the path; and the guardian, who watches over the DNA and values of the project. Every project is an adventure, and the source person continuously balances between these dimensions to steer it in the right direction and lead it to a successful conclusion.
Doubt, far from being an obstacle, is the source person’s valuable companion, helping to refine the route. Taking risks does not mean diving blindly into the unknown, but navigating curiously, testing, adjusting, and moving forward with confidence. It is the key to innovation and progress. To evolve serenely in this world of opportunities, the source person relies on their intuition, takes a step back, and surrounds themselves with enriching perspectives to clarify each step to be taken.
The source person never stands alone. Their ability to surround themselves is essential. They operate in an ecosystem where every individual can become a source for a part of the project, bringing in new perspectives and complementary skills. It is this cascade of sources that brings sustainable and authentic initiatives to life. By delegating and sharing their vision, the source person fosters collective intelligence, enriching ideas and opening new perspectives. However, collective intelligence, as valuable as it may be, can never replace the source: they remain the common thread, the one who keeps the vision intact and aligns energies towards a shared goal.
Where traditional hierarchical models of the 20th century dictate rules, manage, and control, the concept of the source is based on flexibility, courage, and deep trust in intuition. Asking questions instead of assuming certainty, inspiring rather than imposing, guiding instead of commanding – that is the major difference. Unlike a hierarchical superior, who derives their authority from a position in an organizational chart, the source person draws their influence from the intimate connection they maintain with their project. This power is living, evolving, and nourished by the sincere engagement of others. Free choice is central to the concept of the source, creating a dynamic based on trust and commitment.
When they fully embrace their role, the source person radiates positive and inspiring energy. However, without constant vigilance, they can fall into the trap of control, where an excessive desire for control stifles the project. On the other hand, a source person who lacks confidence may slow down the collective momentum and sow doubt among their team. The key lies in balance, remembering that their role is first and foremost to serve the project and not to own it.
An accessible, clear, and concise book, where the concepts are explained in a simple manner. Although reading it does not bring a whirlwind of revelations, it does offer interesting keys to explore and put into perspective in our daily experiences, both in a professional context and in our personal relationships.
Au fond de toute personne source sommeille un « fou audacieux » qui croit en son initiative avec une foi parfois même un peu au-delà du raisonnable et qui se pare aussi d’une certaine naïveté, comme pour donner raison à l’expression